Haku, a solitary boy navigating an unforgiving world, holds a quiet but profound affection for his enigmatic childhood friend, Miriam—the only person who ever truly understood him. But Miriam’s existence is shrouded in mystery, her life constantly under threat from the rulers of the land who seem intent on her destruction.
In a desperate bid to shield her from harm, Haku forms a pact with an ancient, otherworldly artifact. While the power it grants him allows him to eliminate any who pose a danger to Miriam, it comes at a great cost—each battle slowly erodes his body and soul.
As Haku’s relentless quest to protect her unfolds, neither of them can escape the creeping shadow that threatens to consume their fragile bond. Their love, delicate and fractured, struggles to endure as the overwhelming darkness of their world looms closer.
Guided by a strange and ominous mask, whose origin is lost to the ages, Haku finds himself drawn deeper into a journey of transformation, sacrifice, and a destiny darker than he ever imagined. This is the beginning of a hauntingly beautiful dark fantasy tale.