Bon Appétit is a captivating manhwa that follows the story of Luana, an abandoned princess who finds herself reincarnated in a novel. Despite her exceptional cooking talent, she is misunderstood as a witch because of her cheese jerky, and her death is already predetermined. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when the conquering army of Duke Legion, who has lost his sense of taste, discovers her extraordinary jerky and takes her to the Empire to break a generation-old curse.
Luana is overjoyed to be able to cook and eat as much delicious food as she wants, but she also feels a sense of responsibility towards Duke Legion, whom she wants to take care of. She creates the most tender and flavorful jerky he has ever tasted, and he finds himself wanting more and more of it.
Despite the challenges and dangers that they face, Luana and Duke Legion form a deep bond as they work together to break the curse and uncover the secrets of the Empire. The story of Bon Appétit is a delightful mix of romance, adventure, and mouth-watering food that will leave readers hungry for more.