Counter Offensive Average 3.9 / 5 out of 13
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역공, Counter Offensive
Heeseo runs into his dog, Jinmu, who ran away two years ago at the wedding of a friend. Heeseo is upset to see Jinmu, his loyal dog, tenderly holding hands with the second daughter of the Samjin Department Store President. With the desire to annoy Jinmu, Heeseo medications him and transports him to an upstairs room where…
“What the hell? Get your hands off me.”
Heeseo is embarrassed to find Jinmu’s hand spreading his legs, despite his intention to break Jinmu’s bliss. Jinmu becomes insane after being drugged, and Heeseo is pinned down, contrary to his plans. Heeseo discovers Jinmu’s face is covered in wounds when they meet again after their hookup. And when Jinmu starts babbling nonsense…