After losing her parents at a young age, Layla Llewellyn considers herself incredibly fortunate to be taken in by her uncle Bill, a kind gardener living on the picturesque Arvis estate in the Berg Empire. To Layla, Arvis feels like a dream come true. She spends her days wandering the vast, fascinating woods with a notebook in her hand in which she records the fauna that she comes across. Of all the animals, the birds are her favorites—she enjoys watching them grow from helpless, fluffy chicks to stunning adults. In contrast, Herhardt, the Duke of Arvis who is both charming and intriguing, has a different perspective on birds. He is interested in them, not for their beauty, but rather for sport. Now as for Layla, he is interested in something else: her sobs. “Would it not be more desirable for a fragile bird to be locked in a luxurious cage than roam in the wilderness all alone? ”