Five years after the war, peace had become the norm in the victorious nation of Formapolis. However, this tranquility was disrupted by a series of unsettling events: the illegal disposal of grotesque corpses referred to as “Specimens.” Detective Klein, a member of the Special Cases Unit, is tasked with investigating these incidents. To assist him, the government assigns Dr. Agatho, a man whose shadowy past raises suspicion.
Though Dr. Agatho is a former prisoner from the defeated nation, he seems unfazed by his subordinate status. Instead of merely assisting Klein, he frequently pushes boundaries, attempting to charm his official partner in ways that complicate their working relationship.
As Klein dives deeper into the investigation, he is drawn into Agatho’s unpredictable world, which leads him to Tristan—a man with extraordinary abilities tied to the case. Soon, Klein unravels a chilling revelation: Agatho was once a “Researcher,” and Tristan, one of his “Specimens.” Their connection runs far deeper, and darker, than Klein ever anticipated.