Ma’am, it’s on SALE! is a manhwa that revolves around the life of Min-Joon, a young man who works at a convenience store to support his family and pay off his debts. Despite being kind and hardworking, Min-Joon struggles to make ends meet. One day, he meets Yoo-jin, a wealthy and successful businesswoman who offers to help him out in exchange for a favor. Initially hesitant, Min-Joon agrees to Yoo-jin’s terms but soon realizes that the favor she asks of him is not what he expected.
As the story progresses, Min-Joon becomes entangled in Yoo-jin’s web of deceit and manipulation, facing increasingly dangerous situations as he tries to protect his family and stay true to his moral compass. Ma’am, it’s on SALE! is a suspenseful manhwa that delves into themes of power, money, and morality, forcing readers to question the lengths people will go to achieve their desires and the consequences that may follow.