A Devastating Epidemic known as the Adam Virus emerged, transforming individuals into zombies as it rapidly spread. Only a handful of nations stood united amidst the chaos. When Dr. Oh, a key scientist involved in creating a vaccine, unexpectedly passed away, Kwak Soohwan, a high-ranking official from the Rainbow City under the United Nations, was assigned the critical mission of locating Seok Hwa, the lead researcher living in seclusion on Jeju Island, and escorting him back to Seoul.
Arriving in Seoul, within the secure confines of the Yeouido Shelter, Soohwan stood watch while Seok Hwa assumed Dr. Oh’s research responsibilities to further advance the vaccine development. The virus, constantly mutating, posed a formidable obstacle, slowing down progress. Moreover, assaults on Rainbow City by the resistance, a rebel faction opposing the oppressive rule, escalated tensions.
Amid this turmoil, Seok Hwa began questioning the City’s strategy, emphasizing vaccine development over finding a cure. This divergence in ideology led to growing discord between Kwak Soohwan and Seok Hwa, fostering animosity as they pursued their divergent paths.