After a car accident, the lives of Taekin, an isolated high school student, and Heechan, a dedicated business owner, take an unexpected turn. Their paths converge in the hospital, but Heechan’s urgency to salvage his business takes precedence. He must ensure that his clients receive their product, or his enterprise could crumble. However, a twist of fate forces Heechan into a bizarre situation. Now, every day from 7 am to 7 pm, he finds himself inhabiting the body of the high school student.
Facing this extraordinary out-of-body experience, Heechan devises a plan. He resolves to attend Taekin’s high school, utilizing the student’s body, to resolve his own predicament and discover the root of their peculiar transformation. Amidst this journey, Heechan encounters a familiar face from his past, sparking memories and raising new questions. But will anyone believe the implausible scenario he faces? Who will aid him in navigating this perplexing situation? The ultimate question remains: how can Heechan reclaim his original body?